International Education

Academic Affairs Division

International Education Grant

The Ƶվ International Education office is pleased to announce the availability of five $2,000 International Education Grants available for FY2021. The International Education Grant proposals are open to a broad range of topics, but are in place to assist individual Ƶվ campuses in the development of Study Abroad (including Ƶվ Goes Global programs), International Student Retention and International Virtual Exchange. See the bottom of this page for information on the FY2018 Recipients.


Official Call for Proposals Released March 2, 2020
Application and Materials Deadline June 1, 2020
Review and Proposal Selection July 30, 2020
Funds Disbursed August 30, 2020
Submission of interim report from Grantee August 30, 2021
Submission of final report from Grantee August 30, 2022


The International Education Grant is open to all faculty and staff employed at a University Ƶվ of Georgia institution with documented affiliation to international education programs or activities.

Grant funds can be used towards travel, software, equipment, conference registration, stipends, materials and supplies.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to support the development of innovative international education programs, as well as the addition of new elements to existing programs.


International Education Grants will be awarded to proposals that best align with the following criteria:

  • Experience of the grant applicant, institutional structure and overall commitment to assist in the implementation of the proposal;
  • Forecast of proposed results, based on institutional and/or organizational research and data
  • Positive impact on individual campus and system internationalization

Specifically, each category will additionally use the following criteria:

Category 1: Embedded Study Abroad (2 grants available)

  • Feasibility for generating growth or creating a new embedded study abroad program in which an additional ‘lab’ or credit course is linked with a semester long course, providing opportunity for students to go abroad for a short term, and earn additional course credit
  • Novelty of ideas in either creating, or updating a current embedded study abroad program to further grow capacity;

Extra consideration will be given to those proposals that include attention to the following:

  • Innovation in broadening accessibility for underrepresented students, or study abroad to less commonly visited locations
  • Focus on student cost, program affordability and sustainability without grant funds;

Category 2: Ƶվ Goes Global

  • Feasibility for new Ƶվ Goes Global Program Development
  • Novelty of ideas in program location and/or academic field of study
  • Experience of the grant applicant in the program location to operate the program in Summer 2021
  • Forecast of proposed program structure, including both academic and non-academic goals and reasons why students would be attracted to the program.

Extra consideration will be given to those proposals that include attention to the following:

  • Program proposals from one of the Ƶվ World Regional Council not currently operating study abroad programs under Ƶվ Goes Global;
  • Proposals which cater to a broad student audience across Ƶվ institutions;
  • Proposals which cater to an underserved academic discipline in study abroad student populations.

Category 3: International Student Retention

  • Feasibility for generating a sustainable program that helps international students feel safe and welcome on campus;
  • Novelty of ideas in updating a current program that will help to further retention;

Extra consideration will be given to those proposals that include attention to the following:

  • Innovation in Orientation or programming activities related to: International students at most risk from financial, language or adjustment issues; Length, timing or technology use; Creating connections between international students and domestic students, faculty or community members
  • Focus on program affordability and sustainability without grant funds;
  • Positive impact on individual students;

Category 4: International Virtual Exchange

  • Feasibility for generating growth in courses offering International Virtual Exchange components;
  • Novelty of ideas in updating a current International Virtual Exchange program that will help to further grow capacity;

Extra consideration will be given to those proposals from institutions that:

  • Currently do not have any International Virtual Exchange programs;
  • State Colleges and Universities;
  • Institutions with existing programs (regardless of institution sector) that include a sustainability plan for repeat offerings of International Virtual Exchange courses;
  • Institutions with or without existing International Virtual Exchange programs that focus on core courses.


  • Only one proposal per institution, per category will be accepted
  • Senior International Officer (SIO) or SCIE Institutional Representative must be fully committed and state his/her support explicitly
  • Grant funds must contribute directly to the costs as described in the proposal
  • Grants will be disbursed via wire transfer to the account indicated in the application
  • A brief interim report detailing the use of funds and any proof of usefulness is required within one year of disbursement, and a fuller final report demonstrating efficacy within two years.


Each application should be formatted as a single PDF file attached to an e-mail submitted no later than midnight on June 1, 2020, to The PDF file name should include the name of the Ƶվ institution and the application itself should include the following:

  1. International Education Grant Application Form with signature(s)
  2. Budget (no more than 1 page): Explaining the projected costs, listing specific figures, and any necessary justifications *If the intended budget exceeds $2,000 then explain how the additional amount will be covered
  3. Proposal Narrative (no more than 3 pages): Including a detailed statement of projected study abroad or exchange program growth
  4. SIO (or SCIE Institutional Representative) Statement of Commitment (no more than 1 page): Including committed funds and administrative support to ensure success of the proposal
  5. CV from faculty (only required if proposal is Faculty dependent such as for study abroad, Ƶվ Goes Global or International Virtual Exchange programs)


Any applications that are missing signatures, or are otherwise incomplete as of the submission deadline will be ineligible.

A committee consisting of SCIE sub-committee and/or World Regional council representatives and SCIE Chair or Vice Chair along with the Ƶվ International Education office staff will review all applications based on the aforementioned criteria and choose the grantees.

The successful awardees will be announced via email to grant winners and at the following Fall SCIE meeting.


Within one year of funds being disbursed, a brief interim report detailing how the funds have been utilized and outlining proof of usefulness is required.

Within two years of funds being disbursed, a fuller final report demonstrating how the funds have been utilized and efficacy of the programs’ proposal is required.


Faculty and staff preparing proposals must be in communication with their Senior International Officer or SCIE Institutional Representative as only one proposal from each Ƶվ institution is accepted per category. General questions about the grant or application process should be sent to Tammy Rosner by e-mail at


For information on funded projects, please review the 2018 recipients of the three Ƶվ International Education Grants.

The University of West Georgia will use the funds to support the travel (e.g. passport costs) of 12 African American Male Institute (AAMI) students for an 8-day cross cultural trip to Salvador, Brazil during Spring Break 2019. This short-term study abroad trip is a response by the AAMI Learning Community to the lower African American Male rates in Study Abroad. The project targets primarily low-income, first-generation African American males who have never traveled abroad and funding for their passports will address the first, and a major, barrier to international travel. Addressing this barrier will expose students to the “culture and arts of a people with whom they share a history and African heritage.”

The University of Georgia will use the funds to support the pilot of a new Embedded Studies Away Program. The pilot initiative offers optional 1 credit hour supplemental embedded academic courses to existing UGA courses. The 1 hour supplement will be offered as a study abroad component. The supplemental courses will take place during the week of Spring Break 2019 – one to University of Liverpool’s London campus in the UK and another to the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. The new option will make study abroad accessible to students who are unable to participate in currently available semester and summer programs and will offer “high impact, hands-on learning experiences through activities that supplement the original academic course content.”

Augusta University will use the funds to increase Nursing and Pre-Nursing student participation in their global health study abroad programs. The current program enrolls 40 students per year and the goal is to increase the participation by 50% (e.g. 60 total). The proposal seeks to accomplish this goal by offering a series of mini-immersion experiences that introduce students to the Spanish-speaking healthcare environment. The mini-immersion includes two parts: language preparation and application in a simulated patient care environment. These mini-immersion programs will introduce Spanish for healthcare providers, “promote cultural awareness, and generate interest in current nursing study abroad programs”.